Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Water Works

I'm sure you've been anxiously wondering what is going on the Shafer household. And I know it's been TOO long since I updated. Funny how life just gets crazy when you are in school full time (with a HARD class load) AND you have an 8 month old.

That's right. Elijah is EIGHT MONTHS OLD!! And in case you were wondering that officially makes him 253 days old as of today.

Sometimes when I am in class, and the material is particularly boring I will figure out how many minutes of class are left, then calculate seconds. It's very gratifying to see them tick away on the clock. (yes, law school IS more boring than watching the second hand on a clock). So carrying on that tradition:

It is currently July 1, 2008 12:13 pm that means that Elijah is:
253 days old
6063 hours old (and 17 minutes!!)
363797 minutes old
21827820 seconds old.

Each one of those seconds has been precious to me. Sure, they haven't always been easy. For example, I never knew until having Elijah that a baby could scream louder than a teenage girl in a bad horror movie. I also never knew that some babies don't sleep and have more energy at 3am than any normal human being ever should have. I didn't know babies could cry hysterically for 10 minutes and instantly be "cured" of whatever was bothering them the moment you picked them up. (And FORGET about putting him down once you picked him up-- it's out of the question!)

Even in the bad times, the sleepless nights, the crying, the spitting up, the endless diapers...

It's all been worth it.

I never know that something so small could have such a big heart. I never knew that something so innocent could bring me so much joy. There was a time in my life where I never saw myself as a mother, but now after 8 months of bring Elijah's mother-- I can't imagine my life without him.

I've spent the last 8 months on a roller coaster, laughing more than I ever have, and crying more than I ever have (both tears of joy and frustration).

I've learned many things, but I think one of the most important is this:

It's ok to be who you are. It's ok to be weak when things are just too hard to handle. It's ok to laugh at "inappropriate" times if you just need to laugh. It's ok to cry when it all becomes too much to handle. It's ok. It's important to live every second like it might be the last one you have. It's important to surround yourself with those who bring you joy, and to confront the things that bring you sadness. It's ok to put ourselves out further on the limb than we want to be. It's ok to love even though we might get hurt. It's ok to care even when you might get nothing in return from your efforts. Face each day with a brave face (even if you don't feel brave at all!).

We aren't super heros. We don't have super-human strength, and there WILL be times in life where it just seems like you can't POSSIBLY endure another minute. But all you have to do is watch that clock-- and it's a miracle! the seconds WILL tick away, and this moment will be gone before you can even take the time to take it all in.

Also, never underestimate the importance of having several rubber duckie, lots of bubble bath, big soft towels, and rain coat, and a bathing suit that makes you look as not fat as possible. (this will all make sense in a minute)

So with all of that said, I'll get to what you REALLY came here for: *drum roll*


Did you notice the new addition to the smile? (well the TWO new additions? Our first two teeth!!!)

It's my first time in the pool!!

Check out my sexy specs!

I'm pretty sure I like this pool thing!
... well now I'm not sure sure I like it. Where did the sun go?
(Yes. this WILL be the only time you see me in a bathing suit. :) the things I do for Elijah... I tell you what!!!)

See!? One rubber duckie is CLEARLY not enough!

The more bubbles the better!!! I like to eat the bubbles... mmmmm... they're so good!

.... I can't figure out why I can't grab ahold of the water? It always moves!!
Seriously mom? ANOTHER picture of me in the tub?

This looks like he's doing a self portrait, but he's not. He's trying to grab the camera and put it in the water because that's where toys go... right?

.... Ok I admit it. I haven't taken many pictures lately, but... at least I updated. Doesn't that count for anything? Once i get a break from school (a MUCH MUCH needed break from school) I want to take Elijah to the beach at sunset and take some pictures of him. I've got some of me when I was still pregnant with him last summer at the beach, so it'll be fun to come full circle.
That's all for now.. sorry it took so long, and sorry there are so many naked baby in the water pictures. I just haven't had time!!!

1 comment:

J. Bronkema said...

You've done a great job of training him to look right at the camera :-P I can't believe he is already 8 months old! Has he said "take me to see Aunt Jill!" yet?