Thursday, March 6, 2008

Stronger than Sleep.

I know you are all wanting pictures. But it's too much work to pull out the memory card to my computer and hook it up and edit pictures... ok it's not THAT much work, but I'm short on time (and patience) and I figured SOMETHING is better than nothing!!

Elijah was supposed to go get his 4 month checkup on Monday, but the Dr was sick so we had to reschedule, so he's going March 14. I am So excited to see how much he weighs and how tall he is...

I am NOT excited for his first set of shots though. It's going to be horrible. (For me, I'm sure Elijah will handle it just fine!)

I am pretty sure that he is teething. HIs little cheeks get all red, and he drools like a crazy man. HE's constantly chewing on his hands, and as if that weren't proof enough-- he spends a lot of time crying and can't be calmed down. Thank goodness for Hyland's Teething tabs and Tylenol!!

It's always interesting to look at him and try to figure out who he takes after more. His forehead is DEFINATELY his Dad's, but the rest of his face? I would like to take credit for that :) A lot of the time when I catch him looking off to the side I can see a lot of my sister Jill in him, which means he's got the DeKam genes working in his favor!

As far as personality goes-- I'm not really sure. He is a very laid back baby (which I am sure will change once he gets his "wheels" and takes of running!) But it's funny to watch him learn new skills. He still hasn't mastered the rolling over yet. HE likes to do it incognito- I put him down to nap the other day on his belly, and went into the bedroom to get something and there he was-- awake, smiling, grabbing his toes-- ON HIS BACK!! Why can't he roll when I'm looking (or videotaping!!:) Eh, he'll learn soon enough. I probably shouldn't encourage it, because everyday he gets one day closer to walking and then we're ALL in big trouble!! I think Elijah will give Charlie a run for his money-- I bet Elijah can tire Charlie out. Or vice versa. Either way it's a win win for me because they'll BOTH sleep better when they're worn out!! :)

Elijah's latest "trick" is conquering sleep. HIs grandpa Rog always joked about him being "Stronger than sleep" and Elijah is certainly proving it these days! Yesterday he was playing with a toy in his swing, and his eyes were closed, but his hands were still moving. He tries to squeeze out every minute of play time that he can. Last night while burping him at the Midnight feeding, he was sitting facing away from me while I patted his back to get him to burp... and I saw his head start to hang lower, and lower, and lower until finally he fell asleep sitting up!! HE reminded me of MY dad in church (the sleepy headbob in church should be my dad's signature "dance" move :) haha

I promise I WILL post more pictures eventually... I'm just busy with school (UGH school!!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He must be a very attractive baby if he takes after his favorite auntie, lol!!! Let me know how his doctors visit goes (read: let me know how YOU handle it :-) I might be in GR on Saturday....what are you gonna be up to this weekend?